When I was four years old, I used to amaze my parents by being able to identify the makes of all the cars that we saw on the road. Ever since then, I have loved cars. I have owned Porsches, Lexus, Mercedes, Datsun, Toyota, Thunderbirds, 50s hot rod Chevy and Pontiac. My current 2007 C6 Corvette coupe is my one and only Corvette so far. My wife Jane and I have been TCA members for more than 10 years. In TCA, I enjoy car shows, drive and dines, and sports car races at COTA. TCA has something for all interests and very friendly people.
Professionally, I am a retired Emeritus Professor of the University of Texas Health Science Center. I was a clinical microbiologist there for 41 years. I had patient care duties, a research lab, and taught Medical and dental students, residents and fellows. It was a difficult transition to retirement, but now it feels good.