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HomeEventsGeneral Membership Meeting - Longhorn Cafe, Boerne, Texas

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General Membership Meeting - Longhorn Cafe, Boerne, Texas

Date and Time

Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 6:45 PM until 7:45 PM


Longhorn Cafe
369 S Esser
Boerne, TX  



Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

The Texas Corvette Association (TCA) Membership Monthly Meeting is held the
the First Tuesday of every month at The Longhorn Cafe.  Members usually arrive
around 6:00pm to socialize and eat before the meeting starts.  If you are interested
in joining, we invite you to come join us and become a member too!

Meeting start at 6:45pm and usually ends at 7:45pm.  

Where: Longhorn Cafe
(369 S Esser Rd., Boerne, Texas
When: 1st Tuesday of every month
Time: 6:45 - 7:45pm